Q&A: What is holistic nutrition?

Q&A: What is holistic nutrition?

Surely you’ve heard this popular term as more integrative models of health and wellness have become popular in the last three decades. But just what exactly is holistic nutrition? First, let’s start with what holistic nutrition is not. Who...

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Adrenal Issues?

Adrenal Issues?

Are you feeling tired but wired? Some of the most common reasons clients seek us out is the confusing sensation of feeling totally exhausted yet unable to relax and often unable to fall and stay asleep. These symptoms are sometimes accompanied by...

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Is Your Breakfast Toxic?

Is Your Breakfast Toxic?

Think having oatmeal, granola or oat-based cereal for breakfast is healthy? Think again. Results of independent laboratory tests funded by consumer watchdog Environmental Working Group found that popular oat cereals, including Cheerios, contain...

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Muscle Mass

Muscle Mass

Strength training is great for people of all ages. It helps prevent the loss of lean muscle mass, called sarcopenia, which occurs naturally with aging. Loss of muscle mass can begin as early as 30. The loss of mass accelerates from 1% to 5% at 70...

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