Detoxifying your body by sweating

Detoxifying your body by sweating

Detoxification, also known as Biotransformation, is the process of converting toxic chemicals into water-soluble chemicals that your body can eliminate via a drainage pathway. These pathways include the: Toxins include, but are not...

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How do your genetics affect you?

How do your genetics affect you?

Introduction to Nutrigenomics: How Nutrients Interact With Our Genes Have you ever wondered why some people can eat broccoli every day, but it makes you bloated after one serving? Or why your friend can drink four cups of coffee while one cup...

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Ways to beat the winter blues

Ways to beat the winter blues

The news about vitamin D just keeps getting better and better…especially for all things connected with the brain. Optimizing vitamin D levels can prevent dementia, Alzheimers and depression. It acts as an anti-inflammatory and an immune booster...

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Healthy Bones

Healthy Bones

We are all chomping at the bit to spend more time outdoors as the snows melt away and the myriad green colors of a budding earth begin to emerge. Maintaining healthy bones is an absolute prerequisite for enjoying the outdoors and, really, every...

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Rolling into Balance

Rolling into Balance

Because many aspects of our lives have been turned upside down, forgotten or neglected these past months, it’s a great time to take a moment and check in with where we might be out of balance and how to regain it. Each spoke on this bicycle wheel...

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