Finally Heard and Helped!

I was having GI problems, insomnia, chronic UTI/kidney issues along with a full-blown case of menopause/ hormonal imbalances. No help from Family Doc and Urologist. With labs obtained through BeWell, along with their plan of supplements and diet, I am improving and have shared my results with my OBGYN and together they came up with a plan to help me get back to me!
I would highly recommend BeWell and its services.

Colleen R., Olanta, PA

Significant Improvements

After five months working with the BeWell team, I have experienced significant improvements in brain fog, anxiety, and fatigue. Laura gave me a customized plan based on testing and I was honestly surprised at how quickly I began to feel better.

Rachel H, Penfield, PA

Professional Support

I have been working with BeWell to improve my overall health. They explain my plan in a way that I could understand and have given me constant support and feedback on my progress. Scheduling, meetings, and checkout procedure are seamless. Team members are the height of professionalism. I Highly recommend BeWell Associates to anyone looking for a natural approach to their health.

Jamie M, State College, PA

Excellent Customer Service Sets BeWell Apart

I just wanted to let you know that [Office Manager] Sam provides excellent customer service. She is efficient, pleasant, and helpful. When you call you get to talk to a real person who knows you and cares about you.
Thanks for all you do.

Pam H., Carlisle, PA

Weight Loss and Great Numbers!

Thank you for helping me get on the right road to health! I am down 31 pounds and feel much better. Knowing what to eat and when to eat it has made it much easier, and I am never hungry. Thanks again for helping me avoid becoming a diabetic. Worth the work to avoid finger pricks, prescription meds, or insulin shots.
Thanks, BeWell!

Jim R., Huntingdon, PA

From Skeptical To Believer

I was skeptical about calling BeWell because I thought that I would have to make hard changes to my diet and lifestyle but I’m so glad I did. The changes have been easy. The BeWell Team are so knowledgeable and so helpful. I am feeling better than I have in years. I am off my reflux medicine, I am making better and healthier eating choices, I have the energy to exercise, and I walk every day. I have no inflammation, no bloating, no aches and pains. I have lost ten pounds. I would recommend BeWell to anyone!

Nellie C., Martinsdale, PA

Help For Pain And Food Allergies

I have lived for many years with pain and food allergy issues. Recently I was told that I have autoimmune problems, but with no answers to my question – why? I didn’t want to go down that road of constantly taking prescriptions. BeWell Associates helped me figure out all of my food allergies and health issues. I’m grateful for the improvements to date and look forward to knowing more in the future. Thank you BeWell!

Lila S., Alexandria, PA

Blog News


The Importance of Mobility Mobility is the foundation of proper movement.  Improper movement patterns lead to aches, pains, limited range of motion, and overall movement limitations. Mobility training is great for improving joint function and stability, increasing range of motion, strengthening connective tissue, decreasing joint pain, and increasing overall quality of life. Mobility sessions consist […]

Ask the Nutritionist: How do I keep the weight off during the winter months, especially during the holidays?

Here’s are some numbers that‘ll blow your mind: Food in December: That’s 7 out of 90 meals that will likely be indulgent. As a Nutritionist, I see so many people wait until January to take care of their health and eat well because there are 8 potential “unhealthy” meals in December. The best way to […]

Boosting Immunity for Kids….and the whole Family with the Holistic Approach

Kids are back in school! The holidays are upon us!  More indoor time with colder weather! YAY!  excitement and newness for many families. BOO!  new exposures to all those pesky viruses and germs that kids are so effective at transmitting. While most of us have some daily level of exposure to viruses and germs, schools […]

Key Supplements For Caitlin’s Success In Qualifying For The Boston Marathon

Both of the supplements below were key to my achievement in qualifying for the Boston Marathon and being pain free. Both require consistent use so that their effects build over time. Personally, my tell tale sign that they were helping was when I noticed about 3.5 weeks into taking them that I could walk down the stairs normally without […]

Marathon Mindset

On October 13th I accomplished a dream that I’ve had since early high school. I qualified for the prestigious “World Major”, Boston Marathon—the hardest marathon in the world to get into- AND I ran faster than I EVER thought was possible and I did it pain free! Now why does this matter to you? Well, […]

Fall Digital Detox

Do You Need a Check-up of a different kind? Fall Digital Detox For A Hectic Time  BeWell’s Holistic Approach to health addresses many areas of life. These include smartfood choices, appropriate physical activity, environmental safety, social connections, andchoosing nurturing materials to consume mentally.  This list would not be complete without addressing the digital world we live in. Do youcontinue to be […]


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