The must-have foods our nutritionists can’t live without

The must-have foods our nutritionists can’t live without

Clinical Nutritionist Caitlin Maher shared her food philosophy here so this week we’ll hear from BeWell Founder Monica Montag and Clinical Nutritionist Laura Menefee.

After three decades of nutritional training and consulting, Monica’s food philosophy is simple: Everything in moderation!

Wondering what Monica can’t live without?

Greens, salmon, and good bread (which she only has once in a great while, since she’s mostly gluten-free.)

Monica’s go-to snack is peanuts or almonds (packed with protein and healthy fats), with or without dark chocolate!

Laura Menefee mentioned in Part 1 that the problem her clients have with intermittent fasting is overcompensation (read: raiding the fridge!).

I see intermittent fasting as the offspring of the “food is fuel” lineage in dieting. While it’s scientifically sound, it often leaves people confused about how to handle real-life diet situations. Traditions, birthdays, date nights, celebrations, vacations, and heritage are all very human aspects of food. So food is actually much more than fuel. Food is life! That’s the food philosophy I live by. – Laura Menefee, MS

Laura goes on to say, “While I love finding new recipes, I’m also a pretty repetitive eater. Once I find a dish I like, that makes me feel good, and checks all of the nutritional boxes, I don’t let it go!”

Three foods Laura can barely make it through a week without are:

  • Medjool dates smeared with crunchy almond butter (my absolute favorite healthy treat).
  • Hummus with lots of garlic and dill (creamy flavor topper for any meal).
  • Lentils, made any way — spicy, creamy, salty — all of them!

Caitlin chimes in that her must haves are: Beets, red meat, and spices.

“I put spices on everything,” she says. “They’re a great way to add variety to meals. Not only do spices have many health promoting benefits, but they add warmth and balance to a meal. ”

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