Do’s and don’ts to survive working on at a computer all day

Do’s and don’ts to survive working on at a computer all day

Is working at home making you tired, stressed, and putting a strain on your body, mind, and family?

Typically only a small fraction of Americans work from home. Now that number has skyrocketed as we shelter to stop the spread of the coronavirus. For most people currently working at home in the pandemic, there is a whole new set of challenges to face.

But there are lots of things you can do to thrive in your new situation!


  • Try to work in an unprepared space.
  • Fail to ask for what you need.
  • Patch together short term solutions.

Prepare your new work area!


  • Create a dedicated workspace — one you don’t have to break down each day.
  • Arrange for fast broadband internet for reliable connections video conferencing, and multiple users.
  • Choose an App to track your time.
  • Decide with family on a signal for when you’re not to be disturbed.
  • Get a comfortable chair that’s good for your back.

It’s been said that “Sitting is the new smoking.” Yes, it’s that bad for you. 

Take care of your body!


  • Sit for hours on end without a break.
  • Stop your regular exercise routine.
  • Settle for a desk set up that’s uncomfortable.


  • Keep regular business hours.
  • Walk every day — two half-hour walks are best.
  • Stretch every hour.
  • Create the option for a standing desk with a box or crate.

Keep up your professionalism at home!


  • Work in your pajamas or sweats.
  • Eat while you work.
  • Work at odd hours day and night. 
  • Set yourself up to be distracted – don’t check the news or social media every 5 minutes.


  • Dress for work — In. Real. Work. Clothes.
  • Stick to healthy eating habits. (Someone joked that it’s called COVID-19 because that’s how many pounds everyone’s going to gain during the stay home order. Don’t let that be you!) 
  • Stock up on healthy snacks like veggies and berries.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Every time the computer is loading something, take a drink. Make sure you’re getting at least 8-10 gasses or half your body weight in ounces.
  • Separate work and home time as much as possible.
  • Schedule a wind-down time, rather than just jumping into the next thing. Try taking 15-20 minutes to lie down and close your eyes, meditating, or getting outside in between work and whatever’s next.

Protect yourself from EMFs (electromagnet fields)!


  • Most importantly, don’t use your laptop on your lap.
  • Carry your cellphone on your body.
  • Keep or charge electronics in your kitchen or bedroom.


  • Protect your eyes:
    • Rest your eyes regularly throughout the day.
    • Do eye exercises, such as gazing in the middle and far distance for a few minutes each hour.
    • Wear blue light blocking glasses.
  • Power down your electronics at night.
  • Change your cell phone to airplane mode as much as possible.
  • If you use your phone as an alarm clock, it is best to turn off the wireless signal, so it is not being emitted all night long close to your brain.  
  • Talk on your wireless device using the speakerphone, at least 3 feet away from your body.
  • Use a salt lamp in your office area to get those negative ions.

Get lots of Vitamin G – Ground!

Balance working at home and on the computer by getting outside as much as possible. Walk barefoot or in non-rubber soled shoes on grass or a surface that directly touches the ground, such as pavement. This will discharge electromagnetic energy that you pick up from using devices all day long. Twenty minutes a day is the standard recommendation.

Taking time to create a work area and new work routine, as well as some good work-at-home self-care habits, will help you thrive for as long as this work situation lasts.

Be Safe and Be Well!


Annie Mascelli, holistic life coach and teacher, offers more resources at her website, Your Spirited Life.

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